(oh look a rabbit trail) Speaking of my teens, we have the best kids at our church I have ever seen. Our older ones willingly play games and include the young kids all the time. It's quite interesting to see the Warrior run full speed at the 15 year olds and tackle them quite effectively.
back on track here...
So here are the little girls I am referring to are Liver Pie, Sis and the Princess. (as pictured below)
Remember these faces should you ever come across them on the dodge ball field. They are extremely dangerous and should be considered lethal with a ball.
So here's how it went down. We all played as a group and had a blast. Sis was on my team (thankfully) and she was a fighter. She would run up to the line and nail anyone who dared get near her. And the way I remember it the Mad Monk had entered the game and was hitting people left and right, until his beloved daughter threw a ball when he wasn't ready. He did a really good three stooges impression trying to catch it but was unsuccessful. Sis Cheered! and grinned at me. I applauded from the sideline because her father got me out earlier, I was avenged!!! So in another game I had developed a nice side arm throw. It worked wonders on the teens. It would curve a little once thrown. Well the sneaky, Liver Pie had just thrown a ball that went randomly flying into the crowd (these were dangerous cause they came out of no where, no where meaning from about 2 feet off the ground from the cute giggling blondie) and I threw my ball trying to hit an older kid. I missed and it hit Liver Pie in the chest. She clapped her hands together catching the ball as if she meant to do it. I was in shock!!! Although at first she thought she was out but we had to explain to her that it was me that was out. She gloated the rest of the night, there wasn't a moment that went by when she didn't tell me that she caught my ball. Man, what do these parents teach their kids?
Stupid Dodge Ball!!!
Oh and the little princess who I am going to start a petition to get it changed to the little warrior princess. She wins MVP (Most Valuable Player).
This girl stayed in longer than anyone on both teams. I don't know if it was skill or size but she was good. see the pic below for a size comparison of the Little (Warrior) Princess.

I mean come on how do you hit her. She was bouncing and jumping. She even outlasted her brother in every game. I guess it could be her size. Although, if she ever figures out that she can't hit anyone from the back of the room, there will be no safe place on the court. The Princess even cried when we were done because she wasn't done playing and wanted to make sure their team won. Sounds like my wife when playing any game. Such determination.
But in closing I think these girls are very precious. Their parents ought to be proud of them. I know I am. I'm just more cautious now...
I'll admit, it was a lot of fun! Love our church's kids!
Yes, we always incorporate a rousing game of Family Dodgeball right after Family Worship! We train them for this sorta stuff, specifically telling them to go after Mr. Jeremy.
They learn this stuff from their Mothers. It's always the quiet(?) ones you have to worry about.
The Princess Warrior comes by her vigor honestly! No sissy girls in our family!
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