Saturday, November 17, 2007

Abusing drugs and feeling great

So we are traveling down the freeway since about 6 last night. We stopped at about 11:30 and started back up this morning at about 8:30. Anyway back to the good stuff. I had full throttle last night to push me through the late part of the night. And in order to counter the high strung bouncing, I took a Zyrtec. Which always knocks me out. I sleep like a baby. So now I am so well rested i didn't need any caffeine this morning. Aren't drugs great?

anyway ladies, while your man is driving and he's getting groggy get him a full throttle! He'll be singing "Any Man of Mine" as loud as he can in no time.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Slighty annoyed

So the NYC Marathon was on Nov 4. I don't much about that run other than it goes through all the different districts or boroughs (I think they are called). You know what I do know about it. That Katie Holmes ran it. It's all over the place. Any news article you read there she is. I'd be impressed if she was doing it for some cause and was rallying people to put the support behind______ (name charity). Or if she had some sort of traumatic event that she recovered from, or if she had new running record or was in the top 10. She was asked why she ran and she said "I wanted to lose all the baby fat."

Media people make me sick. Why is this girl so important. I didn't get much info on Lance Armstrong. I did scroll down and find out who did win. A lady from England who gave birth 9 months before ran and won with time of... get this 2 hours 23 min and 9 sec. that means she ran every mile at 5 min 28 secs. FOR 26.2 MILES!!!. And who gets their picture all over the place Katie Holmes. Lets look at her time 5 hours 29 min and 58 sec. I'm not hating on her time or work by any means she held a 12:35 min/mile pace. That's not bad. Shoot, finishing isn't that bad. But why are we talking about her. She placed 34165th (does this get a th or nd?)

The male who won did it in 2hours 9 mins 4 sec.

okay so I'm ranting but I know what it's like to work hard and run in some of these races. A Friend of mine told me that you don't get you name in the paper unless you are like top 10. Or you have an extreme home makeover story that will sell papers. I guess I'm just sick of the media.

But here's my new goal I'm going to beat Katie Holmes' time. That's my new new Marathon goal 5 hours 29 mins and 58 secs and I have my own tragic story. I'm fat and have asthma and I'm overcoming it. So there take that!

stupid media!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

I am a Genius!

So last night I was sitting on the couch watching Star Trek while Shelly was making dinner. We were having fish and she was going to broil it. The oven was set on broil and was heating up, Shelly was working on the other counter away from the oven. When suddenly we heard a loud squeak. I looked behind me then went promptly back to my show. It was a 2 part episode about Data and his brother Lore... I digress.

So Shelly says, "what was that?" I told her I thought it was her shoes on the kitchen floor. I looked and saw she was wearing no shoes. Then we heard it again. I jumped up from the couch and looked at the oven. It squeaked again.

I told Shelly, that there was probably a mouse behind the oven and he's stuck and he can't get out. The heating oven was burning him when he tried to escape. Shelly was really bothered by this, She said she doesn't want a mouse to cook in the oven. We had caught a mouse in the garage several weeks ago, and I figured that this poor mouse was his brother or something. I turned the oven off and sat and thought about how can I get this poor cooking creature out from where ever he was.

Then... I heard the squeak again. It was the teapot that was sitting on top of the oven. There was a little bit of water in it and it was squealing due to the steam. Shelly and I laughed and were relieved.

The moral of this story is just because you hear hooves doesn't mean it's a Zebra.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

"God is enough"

If you haven't read my wife's blog I would suggest reading it here first. If you didn't read then I'll sum it up. I'll do the very short version because it's long and I'm not that great of a writer. We lost our second child. We were pregnant for a very short time and then it was gone. I wish I could say that it was easier this time but it wasn't. It grieves my heart. I have been upset on and off all week. I still get emotional. I'm sure by the time I finish this my eyes will be tearful.

I know that there's not much I can do about a miscarriage. There are some medical things that can be done to help hold a pregnancy but the decision is still in God's hands. Who am I to question the creator in his sovereignty? "Woe to him who strives with him who formed him, a pot among earthen pots! Does the clay say to him who forms it, What are you making?' or Your work has no handles?" Isaiah 45:9 I have no place to question an Almighty God. I can only examine my life, rid it of sin and continue worshiping a Gracious and Loving God.

The one thing I do have control of is my reaction. Do I glorify Him, or curse Him for the sorrow and pain? My only example is Job and this was his reaction when he lost his business and his children. "And he said, "Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return. The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD." In all this Job did not sin or charge God with wrong. " Job 1:21-22

God is good. He has given me so much. He has given me a home, a job, and Godly wife. He has chosen at this time to not bless me with children. I accept that. I can say God is enough, the following is from a sermon from John Piper. I want this to be my prayer and the desire of my heart regardless of what happens in the future.

"God is enough.
He is good; He will take care of us;
He will satisfy us; He will get us through this.
He is our Treasure;
Whom have I in heaven but you?
And on Earth there is nothing that I desire besides you.
My flesh and my heart may fail
but you are the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

God is most glorified in you when you are most satisfied in him in the midst of loss, not prosperity."

So I say to anyone who feels sorry for us, God is enough and we are satisfied in Him.