I found this comic a few days ago and it has stuck in my mind. If people (meaning evolutionist/atheist) feel this way, why do they care so much that us "weirdos" want to believe in God. Look to them the end result is the same. To the Christian this picture doesn't even come close to representing what we believe.
I went to a Answers in Genesis Conference a few weeks back, and I am glad I did. At first I didn't really care about going, because hey I know God created the world. I don't need them to tell me that. What they showed me is how much science actually reflects that there is a Creator. It was a blessing to me. The biggest impact on me was that these evolutionist aren't being guided to evolution based on facts. They hated/avoided/denied God before they even had "facts". It's a heart problem. They follow evolution to give them an excuse or reason to not follow God and unfortunately they are convincing a ton of people in our country with bad science.
I would encourage anyone to get some more information and talk with their children about this issue. Here are a few websites that might be handy. Answersingenesis.com, answers101.com , str.org, and creationontheweb.com
But really what did you think when you read this comic? does this reflect how you feel?
Actually, it confused me. Is that a rock? I can't tell.
it's supposed to be clay, click ont he pic to get a bigger version of it.
What did I think? Well, I think it is hog wash. haha. It does not make sense at all. Even though I think I understand what the picture is saying in a nut shell whether you believe in creation or evolution the end result they believe is the same (death) and there is no need to believe in God. Which would be false. But this comic angers me, because it is so false. I focused on the question at the top of the comic which asked, "What is the distinction? There are too many to list. Both evolution and creation are theories, but there is more scientific facts that support creation, but public schools choose to teach only the theory of evolution and so many kids believe what they have been told for so many years.
I'm still scratching my head...I don't get it. I know I'm dense, but I think I need you to elaborate.
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