I thought this would be fun, and would enjoy comments from others, maybe I'll even start some controversy. Today's Review is a Mexican Restaurant called
Uncle Julio's.
We had just picked up my parents from the airport and we all were ready to eat, starving in fact. Their plane had been delayed and so had our dinner plans. We thought Mexican food sounded good, mostly because you get to eat right away. Real Mexican places have free chips and salsa ready and available right when you sit down. So when you are so close to death from lack of food it's the perfect thing to eat. I remember seeing the new Uncle Julio's restaurant that was built in the old theater in Grapevine, and suggested we trying something new. We all agreed and began drooling.

We pulled up to the restaurant and noticed it was packed. We are not sure what's happening in the lives of people in Grapevine but I'm pretty sure no one ever eats at home. I saw under the "Julio" sign it said "Fine Mexican food" I'm not sure why some places say that. Is it just a staple for Mexican food? Are they trying to convince me that it's not bad but really good. why not say, "yeah burritos, taco, and fajitas what did you expect?" I'd eat at place like that.
We finally get a table and we are excited to start on the chips. Chips are an important part of the meal and their chips weren't bad. The staff kept us well stocked, which can be a problem for some places. The salsa on the other hand was a little brown. Actually we were wondering if the salsa had gone bad or something. It wasn't real spicy, kind watery, and not chunky.
Texas Toad doesn't like chunky salsa but she realizes the important of it to be there for the full flavor, she happily picks around. Bad salsa was a bad omen. I was thinking in my mind we should leave and just get a burger or something. But I didn't want to spoil every one's time. We were miserable enough from having to wait so long to eat. We finish off two bowls of chips and were pleased. We made our orders and it took a bit but they were pretty busy so I can't fault them. There was a machine in the back that was pumping out tortillas. I was excited because on each of the entrees it said "... and warm tortillas" I liked that idea, if you haven't had a fresh tortilla with butter you probably live up north and don't know what good food is anyway :)
Our food arrived and it looked okay. I got a little combo plate. Taco, two cheese enchiladas, and a pork tamale. (yum tamale's) It came with rice and some beans (beans in a bowl on the side). I was ready to eat. We blessed the food and dove in face first. (okay maybe it was just me). The tamale wasn't good at all . Actually it was the worst tamale I had ever eaten. I used to grab tamales when I was reading meters from some of the nastiest places and still had never had a bad tamale. I have had some tamales I couldn't finish because it was too hot but never because it was bad. This tamale had too much wrapping and barely any pork, what pork was there I couldn't taste because the whole thing was dry. Ugh I wasn't happy. Rice was okay, but I'm pretty sure most rice is all the same, most people don't eat all the rice anyway. The taco was hard and it lacked flavor as well. I was really bummed out now. I ate them both though because I was hungry. I moved to cheese enchilada. It was loaded with onions. I thought back in my head and remember it was a cheese and onion enchilada. That was my fault I should have asked no onions. Shelly had gotten chicken enchilada's with cream sauce (her favorite) and it had onions in it and on it.
I ate one of them but it still wasn't that great, I moved to the beans, which my dad liked. They tasted like they were fresh from a can of Ranch Style Beans you get at the store. Bummer. We just kinda sat there ready for our check, and then it hit us. We didn't get any of those yummy tortillas. I'm sure we could have asked for them, but they were supposed to come with our meal. We were ready to leave anyway. Whoever built the place thought it would be a good idea to make all the walls flat and concrete. It was so loud in there. We all had to yell to converse. Overall this place wasn't good. I thought about the sign and decided they were trying to convince because word of mouth isn't too good for them. I noticed all the people sitting around they were really enjoying themselves. Which was weird cause they were eating all the same things we were. Then I saw it. Margaritas! When ever I ask people at work about a new Mexican food place, they always say food is good but the margaritas are even better. I don't judge a Mexican food place by their margaritas. My wife and I do not drink so it's kind of lost on us. We are there for the food. So I'm thinking that ol' Uncle Julio makes some good drinks, which people were enjoying. I came up with this solution in my head for why so many people were there.
They got Mexican food and margaritas. The margaritas came before their food and it impaired their judgement on the food. When they leave they remember how good the margaritas were but can't remember the food. SO they give it an A+ and bring their friends. Hence the full parking lot. It's not a fool proof solution, but it made me feel better until I got home.
I had never gone to a Mexican place and left still hungry. I stopped at sonic and we got some ice cream to enjoy because we didn't want our night to be ruined.
So My review is Skip Uncle Julio's, unless you like Margaritas, and then I'm assuming you won't remember the food anyway.
How many hungry Rancors do I give it?

Wait... How come this place was recommended to me by a church member?????