Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Reformation Day

Below is Wikipedia's definition of Reformation day. I am wearing red today what color are you wearing????

Reformation Day is a religious holiday celebrated on October 31 in remembrance of the Reformation, particularly by Lutheran and some Reformed church communities. It is a civic holiday in Slovenia (since the Reformation contributed to its cultural development profoundly, although Slovenians are mainly Roman Catholics) and in the German states of Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, and Thuringia.
On this day in 1517, Martin Luther posted a proposal at the doors of a church in Wittenberg, Germany to debate the doctrine and practice of indulgences. This proposal is popularly known as the 95 Theses, which he nailed to the Castle Church doors. This was not an act of defiance or provocation as is sometimes thought. Since the Castle Church faced Wittenberg's main thoroughfare, the church door functioned as a public bulletin board and was therefore the logical place for posting important notices. Also, the theses were written in Latin, the language of the church, and not in the vernacular. Nonetheless, the event created a controversy between Luther and those allied with the Pope over a variety of doctrines and practices. When Luther and his supporters were excommunicated in 1520, the Lutheran tradition was born.
Within the Lutheran church, Reformation Day is considered a minor festival, and is officially referred to as The Festival of the Reformation. Until the 20th Century, most Lutheran churches celebrated Reformation Day on October 31st, regardless of which day of the week it occurred. Today, most Lutheran churches transfer the festival, so that it falls on the Sunday (called Reformation Sunday) on or before October 31st and transfer All Saints' Day to the Sunday on or after November 1st.
The liturgical color of the day is red, which represents the Holy Spirit and the Martyrs of the Christian Church. Luther's hymn, A Mighty Fortress is our God is traditionally sung on this day. Lutherans customarily stand during the hymn, in memory of its use in the religious wars of the Sixteenth Century.
It is also traditional in some Lutheran schools for schoolchildren to hold Reformation Day plays or pageants that re-enact scenes from the life of Martin Luther.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Biblical or Extra-Biblical

Recently I have been analyzing what I believe and why I believe it. For most new Christians they will rely on what their pastors or other Christians tell them. This is not necessarily a bad thing unless these people are sharing their own convictions. As we grow and study Scripture more we soon find out why people have told us these things. But sometimes you come across issues that aren't specifically spoken of in the Bible. I'll name some pretty hot topics that Christians now debate and some even will separate over: (no particular order)

1. Homeschooling
2. drinking alcohol
3. going to movies
4. natural childbirth
5. Bible translations
6. women wearing pants
7. anyone wearing shorts
8. color of the church carpet

This is just the list of ones I can think of off the top of my head. The question is, which rules on these issues are our personal convictions and which ones are revealed to us in Scripture.

I myself have found my own answers to all these. But I won't share them here. I'd rather not have a debate on my blog. But if you'd like to know more about how I feel, you can ask me anytime. I'd be happy to tell you how I feel. But here's something that I won't do. I won't attack you for not agreeing with me. I won't stop talking to you and I won't question your salvation because you feel a different way.

Here's what I will do: encourage you to study more, show you where and how I came to that belief, and if I feel so strongly about a certain issue and I feel that you are wrong... (did you hear the drum roll?) I'll put you on my prayer list and leave it up to God to work on in your own heart and continue showing you charity. I can not change a man's heart only God can do that.

I think we need to be cautious in our lawmaking. We do want to make rules to help protect us from our sin or temptations to sin, but we do not want to become legalistic or Pharisaical in our rules. I think that Satan is excited when we take such strong stands. He knows he can use our pride against us so that we will be busy attacking and sometimes hating our brethren that we lose focus on what is really important which is Glorify our most Holy God.

"Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth." 2 Tim 2:15

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Return of the Star Wars

SO as some of you may have read or been told there is a Star Wars TV showing coming soon. From what Lucas tells us, it's going to be about the droids. Translation: It won't be about anything people really care about. Don't get me wrong, I love Artoo (R2-D2) and Threepio (C3PO) I think they are great characters and they serve their purpose. Excluding the annoying parts that threepio was given in the newer episodes, they were okay. But a series set on just the droids, yeah I'm not excited about it. Why not make a show that based on the young Jedi and recast Luke Skywalker (if Mark Hamil won't do it) training them. Or better yet let's follow Boba Fett so Lucas can finally show us why he's supposed to be the greatest and most feared Bounty Hunter of all time. Or Young Obi-wan before episode 1. Or go way back in time when the Jedi fought against the Sith when Yoda was young. Wait isn't that what we enjoyed seeing was the Jedi battles or did everyone just say, "Wow, I love those droids they should make a show on just droids how fun would that be?"

Well I found this little comic in some forums it made me laugh, because this is what we would probably get if they did something other than Droids, Think of that show The O.C. or Summerland (insert cheesy teen TV show on the WB) and cross it with the Star Wars Universe.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Rain, Rain Go Away

Well at least I'm having a better day than this person. Today we had a nice downfall of rain. Normally I love the rain, it's great sleeping weather and it cools everything down. But today was not good. First of all I was late to work cause I could barely get over 20 miles an hour down the road. On top of that it didn't stop until I got to the door of my building. I park about 5 blocks away from my building in the ghetto daily parking lot. hey it's 1.50 and I'm getting exercise. Well the river (streets) I had to cross were about 2 inches deep so I was soaked from the knee down, also the tiny umbrella I had didn't work for all the rain that came in sideways, so my waist was wet as well.

So with all my soaking I thought well I'll be okay I'll dry quickly. WRONG!! The people in the building keep it at a cool 65 degrees year round. So after freezing for about an hour or so I got permission to go home and change.

I can see why babies cry, cause it feels great to be dry again.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

I feel it and see it...

Today I feel great!!! of course, this week I have Friday off because I work a 9/80 schedule (I work four 9s and get every other Friday off). But I feel great today and I have plenty of energy. Last night I ran 3 miles in 28min and 33secs, a first for me to be sure.

But last night my running shorts felt a little more loose than normal, and today my pants that fit me well, not are getting droopy and saggy. That's a great sign, because I have been feeling very discouraged lately because my weight hadn't dropped yet. Hopefully the fat is being replaced with muscle. Also Jonathan said he could see a difference in my gut, he said he didn't recognize me from across the hall earlier at first. Now that I have looked in the mirror I do see a little bit of change, it kinda seems like I'm getting taller.

So I'm super excited, and ready for more changes.

oh and the guy who gave us so much trouble in my class, well he's still not high on my list favorite people in the world but we managed to do our project without his help. I just hope the teacher lets us grade each other, but if not I hope my grade isn't affected by his actions and choice not to work.

Monday, October 8, 2007

A Liar and a Thief?

In my conquest of attaining my bachelors degree, there are certain courses that are required. Operation and Quality Management is one such class. In this class we review how "operations" work and how to ensure quality without losing quantity. Seems pretty self explanatory (which it is) Until you actually have a product to work on... Okay so I was assigned to a group with a guy and another girl in my class. For some reason DBU (Dallas Baptist University) loves to have you write papers and work in groups. Our project was to come up with a flowchart of a company of our choice, an overview of the company and make any changes we thought that would help improve the companies structure. The guy in our group suggested we work on Dell. I figured sure why not I don't know much about Dell, might be interesting. I did however suggest we do a more simple company, but I figured this guy may have some insight on it that I'm not aware of. The girl in our group wanted to work on Pianos, like Steinway. We decide to give in to him because he seemed earnest about Dell. So we go our separate ways to find info and research so we can put our info together later.

The guy in our group came back with a slide-show he told us he made based on the research he found. He said he has pretty much completed everything we needed and that the girl and I should change it around and we will be ready to present it. I showed them what I had found, about 8 websites and 3 PowerPoint's. The girl in our group was going through all of our info when she pointed out that one of the PowerPoint presentations that I found was an exact copy of what this guy said he worked on. (he had changed the names to his of course) I decided to confront him on it. I told him I have the same PowerPoint presentation that you said you made. He decided to correct me and say, "oh I didn't say I made it, I said I got it". The girl and I looked at each other both thinking the same thing. yeah that's not what he told us earlier. This is what you get in these so called groups which we are required to do in each class.

Here is the interesting part. The school is supposed to be a Christian university, I realize it's a Southern Baptist school but I expect that normal morals like the Ten Commandments are pretty clear to most Protestants. No stealing, no lying... Anyway this guy actually did profess in class to be a Christian during our "get to know you" part of the class and he's probably in his 40's or so. Not exactly the behavior I would expect from a grown man, who claims Christ...

So anyway the project is due tomorrow and he wants to meet tonight to finish it. I haven't decided on what to do. I am certainly not looking forward to this.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Why am I not tired?

Okay so today I ran my own 10K (6.2 miles for you non-runners or people who don't have conversions chart readily available). I was able to do it in 1hr 25min. I rested for about an hour or so, and then headed to my second job. I work with Peter Franz in my spare time. My current project is doing some painting in some older store fronts. I've just spent the last 4 hours or so paining non-stop. For some reason I'm not tired. I've even taken in about 2000 calories and I need about 700 more to get my daily needs. I figured I'd be pretty much dead today after this. Hmm, better not jinx it. I'm sure going to have to focus on resting tomorrow. But that's what the day was made for: resting and worship. Let's hope I don't try both at the same time.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Marathon (It's a bit long i know, but so is 26.2 miles)

Some of you may already know that I am training for the Cowtown Marathon, but I thought I would talk a little about for those who are interested (or just have nothing better to do). So far I'm doing good on my running schedule, Last night I started running outside. It felt like a much better workout than inside on the treadmill. Nice to get some fresh air and feel the wind blow, (and smoker's smoke and bugs buzzing me).

Yes I'm a runner and I have asthma. Scary isn't it. This has been a struggle with me since I can remember. My parents had a horrible time with me when I was little cause I would wheeze and hack and cough, this was before all the advancements we have now. I remember my Dad holding me in the bathroom with the hot shower running to try to make the air more humid. It's a blurry memory but J remember wanting to just close my eyes and sleep. My mom even told me recently that I had a hood or bubble thing over my crib when I was little (This was news to me). I played soccer when i was older but the coaches always held me back, afraid "I'd die on them" as they put it. It happened even more in high school. So now I'm running I'm actually running. This is a huge accomplishment in my life and you know what. I'm doing great, no major problems so far and I feel good. I sometimes wonder if I could have played more sports or ran sooner. But now I'm tackling my Goliath. This is going to be a great milestone in my life I'm sure I'll be quite emotional when I cross that finish line. Because I will not only have just run a marathon, but I will have slain a giant that I have lived in fear of my entire life...


The Marathon is race that is 26.2 miles. I don't plan on finishing first. I'd have to run like a 6 min mile and that ain't happening. Currently my mile that I can hold is about 13:20 min mile. Not great but hey I could finish the Marathon (hopefully) in about 5 to 6 hours. My ultimate goal is to run without stopping (walking). Next will be just to finish before the 8 hour timer is up. I'd love to get to a 11 min mile. that would be awesome for me but I just don't have enough time to train that hard so soon. Normal people who are already are fit train for 13 weeks, I think I had 24. Okay enough about all the runner mumbo jumbo.

I looked up where the Marathon actually came from and to save everyone the long story and accurate details; basically the Spartans were fighting the Persians (Battle of Marathon), and the Spartans won. They sent a runner to the near by city to tell them of the news. Now If you know any thing about Spartans, you know these guys are tough and rough. So this guy runs about 26 miles and gets to the village yells out "NIKE" which is Greek for victory. Now for the really encouraging part for me. He fell over dead right after he yelled. Great huh? SO now my goals have changed since learning this information.

1. don't die
2. keep and eye out for Persians (you never know)
3. don't stop running
4. finish before they close the race 8 hours.

I figure if I don't die I'll be doing better than the Spartan did...

Thursday, October 4, 2007

My First Blog

Can you just hear the Star Wars Fanfare playing in your head when you read this. Hmm maybe it's just me. Man I have so much to post about and I'll will definitely be on top of it on a daily basis. Please feel free to comment and answer the poll to your right, I really would like to know how well I am doing at this.

Lets see whats happening today.

I got a FLU shot and I am getting used to eating an apple with the skin. I get a lot of flack for peeling my apple from fellow co-workers. "The good part for you is the peel" they would say. I just look at them and say can I eat my fruit my way? At least I'm eating fruit what I wanted was a Snickers or Twix bar. I think I made the better choice with or with out the peel. Oh man speaking of things I want to eat... i should make another list.

Oh I'm going to put another feature on my blog it's my fit day. I use that website to help me factor calories. I need about 2700 a day for my training i.e. running, SO anyway for the fun of it you can see what I eat everyday, just click the link and then find what day it is and you can see what I ate. Oh and for a fun game if you see me eat something and i don't put it on my fitday feel free to harass me profusely. Speaking of which now I'm hungry. mmm chicken, asparagus, and beans with a nice banana. Weird eating all this healthy stuff and exercising you'd think I'd be thinner. hmmm guess we will just have to wait and see. Good Journey, be well, and may the Force be with you, always...