Thursday, October 11, 2007

I feel it and see it...

Today I feel great!!! of course, this week I have Friday off because I work a 9/80 schedule (I work four 9s and get every other Friday off). But I feel great today and I have plenty of energy. Last night I ran 3 miles in 28min and 33secs, a first for me to be sure.

But last night my running shorts felt a little more loose than normal, and today my pants that fit me well, not are getting droopy and saggy. That's a great sign, because I have been feeling very discouraged lately because my weight hadn't dropped yet. Hopefully the fat is being replaced with muscle. Also Jonathan said he could see a difference in my gut, he said he didn't recognize me from across the hall earlier at first. Now that I have looked in the mirror I do see a little bit of change, it kinda seems like I'm getting taller.

So I'm super excited, and ready for more changes.

oh and the guy who gave us so much trouble in my class, well he's still not high on my list favorite people in the world but we managed to do our project without his help. I just hope the teacher lets us grade each other, but if not I hope my grade isn't affected by his actions and choice not to work.


Shelly said...

Looks like we'll be shopping for you pretty soon! I'm excited for you! Just don't be upset with me if I don't see the change but I live with you & it may not be as obvious to me. Love you!

Anonymous said...

Jeremy, you have motivated me more than you know with my weight. Plus you made me buy a treadmill.
Now I have no more money. :(