Thursday, January 3, 2008

Star Wars to the Max!!!

Okay I know I haven't posted in a long time, but I have had lots on my mind and just couldn't blog. It's complicated trust me. If you could see the inside of my head, it would terrify you. Just cause I have a hugely (yeah it's a word) wide, weird imagination. Shelly loves it. It's kinda sad though, I may be certifiably crazy and she thinks it's neat. Oh well. So anyway I have tons of bloggy type ideas and I'll do better at posting. I guess I just needed a vacation.

Alright already get to the Star Wars stuff. Check this link out,2933,320005,00.html

Love this story. They aren't real clear if the kid actually fended off the attack, or drew more attention to what was happening. Kudos to the kid defending his mother. I'd love to see the video though that would have been better. So, Moms, the next time little Johnny wants to take his lightsaber with him on your trip to the grocery store, you should let him. What else can he use to fight off evil people in this world. Just think if it were a real lightsaber, (drools a little). Ha that guy wouldn't be hurting anyone else after that.

Makes me wonder though, this kid was obviously a huge star wars fan (can't blame him), I wonder how this situation would have gone if the kid was a different kind of fan.

Spiderman- Kid could have used the spray can of silly string web stuff.

Superman- the Kid would have ran as fast as he could have hitting the guy in the stomach. I think just the kid being in the costume would provide him with an adrenaline rush to protect his mother. (cool)

Batman- throw the grappling hook and pull the guy down. (he so wouldn't expect this)

Transformers- All I can say is if something that looked like this ran at me and started hitting me, I'd run. Plus check out the gun. He can shoot or just hit him with it.

Okay so now that I have terrified all parents from buying their kids toys they would really enjoy, I'll move on to another cool thing I found, also Star Wars related.

This will let you watch a text-animated version of Star Wars Episode IV.

1. Open Windows XP and go to Start, then run.

2. Type in or copy "telnet" without the commas or quotation marks.

3. Sit back and watch the ASCII movie :)

This is totally awesome. I wonder how long it took them to do it.

BTW Happy New Year, stay tuned for more blogging adventures!

1 comment:

Shelly said...

The Spiderman toy as a weapon made me laugh!
Nothing happened when I copied that.