SO as some of you may have read or been told there is a Star Wars TV showing coming soon. From what Lucas tells us, it's going to be about the droids. Translation: It won't be about anything people really care about. Don't get me wrong, I love Artoo (R2-D2) and Threepio (C3PO) I think they are great characters and they serve their purpose. Excluding the annoying parts that threepio was given in the newer episodes, they were okay. But a series set on just the droids, yeah I'm not excited about it. Why not make a show that based on the young Jedi and recast Luke Skywalker (if Mark Hamil won't do it) training them. Or better yet let's follow Boba Fett so Lucas can finally show us why he's supposed to be the greatest and most feared Bounty Hunter of all time. Or Young Obi-wan before episode 1. Or go way back in time when the Jedi fought against the Sith when Yoda was young. Wait isn't that what we enjoyed seeing was the Jedi battles or did everyone just say, "Wow, I love those droids they should make a show on just droids how fun would that be?"
Well I found this little comic in some forums it made me laugh, because this is what we would probably get if they did something other than Droids, Think of that show The O.C. or Summerland (insert cheesy teen TV show on the WB) and cross it with the Star Wars Universe.

I can't believe that about the droids. It seems that George's "lot in life" lately is to make movies/shows that are opposite of what star wars audiences really like. Doesn't he ever get online?
Wow. You really dig Star Wars, don't you? I am so lost, I don't even know where to begin. But I DO know who that George Lucas fellow is! :)
HHHuuu MMMmmm...
I saw that yesterday & just knew you wouldn't be happy with it. Now I wonder what station will pick it up. Maybe the CW? :)
I agree totally with you on the tv show. After the last movie I think we can see that he has lost touch with what is important. Love the panda video. Laughed the first time I saw it also.
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