A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...
Hey Indiana, X-files called they want their plot line back. I mean come on aliens... ( oh excuse me interdimesional beings) Could we expect anything less from Spielberg, he has a thing for aliens. Oh and George Lucas please stop revamping your icons. we didn't like the new Star Wars movies and we don't like the new/ geriatric Indiana. This just made me want to watch all the old Jones movies. The CG was horrible. It made it look like a cartoon. The stunts were just outrageous and beyond belief and not in a good way. Shia was okay in the movie but swinging with the monkeys ugh I wanted to throw popcorn at the screen. okay I'm done on this one. If you want to see it great enjoy, but be prepared to be disappointed. I give it a 2/5 ( 1 is the lowest)
The Happening
Well I like M. Night's movies so this review will be a little biased. If you didn't like Lady in the Water you probably won't like this. For some people I have talked to they feel like it's a tree hugger movie (there's a pun if you have seen it.) Yeah it did have a "if we don't stop polluting we are going to kill ourselves" to it but I enjoyed it. The characters were weird and unconnected, the couple didn't even seem like a couple. I think this is one of Night's worst in the area of character development. But over all it's a little violent. But the violent seems to be in the right place. I bet with a few cuts he could have gotten a PG-13 I give it a 4/5.
Okay last one but this is a good one.
Iron Man
If you haven't been rick rolled and you have never played an old dungeon crawler game then you probably won't get this...
I've been this depressed, he needs lobster!!!
An interesting conundrum....
Love this one, evidently this little girl is tattle telling on her parents to the authorities.
I think there is some sort of struggle in the squirrel world we are not aware of. Too bad they didn't get video of this exciting battle. The two on the right are engaging on another while the third on the left is using his force power to push the "evil" squirrel back. Pretty intense.
And what is with the weird girls running around with Spock ears?
Love this story. They aren't real clear if the kid actually fended off the attack, or drew more attention to what was happening. Kudos to the kid defending his mother. I'd love to see the video though that would have been better. So, Moms, the next time little Johnny wants to take his lightsaber with him on your trip to the grocery store, you should let him. What else can he use to fight off evil people in this world. Just think if it were a real lightsaber, (drools a little). Ha that guy wouldn't be hurting anyone else after that.